Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (University of Pittsburgh):
Kemi OJ, Loennechen JP, Wisløff U, Ellingsen Ø. Intensity-controlled treadmill running in mice: cardiac and skeletal muscle hypertrophy. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2002;93(4):1301-9.
Huffman DM, Moellering DR, Grizzle WE, Stockard CR, Johnson MS, Nagy TR. Effect of exercise and calorie restriction on biomarkers of aging in mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2008;294(5):R1618-27.
1. Effects of Type II diabetes on exercising skeletal muscle blood flow in the rat, 2010
2. Electrocardiographic changes with the onset of diabetes and the impact of aerobic exercise training in the Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rat, 2010
3. Effects of age and treadmill exercise in chronic diabetic stages on neuroblast differentiation in a rat model of type 2 diabetes, 2010
4. Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Cell Proliferation and Differentiation in the Subgranular Zone of the Dentate Gyrus in a Rat Model of Type II Diabetes, 2009
5. Mitochondrial apoptotic signaling is elevated in cardiac but not skeletal muscle in the obese Zucker rat and is reduced with aerobic exercise, 2008