I am having problem with my proteins that have ~10 and ~11 pI and 17kD and 14kDa respectively. They do not get into the gel because of their charge. I tried purifying them even with a maltose binding protein tag to reduce the pI, however they are still too basic to migrate into the gel. My RNA is 130 nt long. I see the unbound RNA and decreasing concentration of unbound RNA with increasing protein concentration but the bands corresponding to RNA-protein complex are not very clear. Proteins alone are not showing up at all. I am using 5% Native PAGE. I am staining the RNA with Sybr Green and Protein with Sypro Red. Since I don't see clear complex bands, I cannot estimate the Kd. Any ideas on how to improve the quality of the bands and how to get the proteins to migrate into the gel instead of moving backwards? I tried non-ionic detergents such as Triton etc. but this did not help.