I have a time series of popuulation density of wild guanacos, but one year is missing. I would like to interpolate missing data. Does anyone have done this kind of estimation using Bayesian Statistics? Any ideas?
There are several ways. You can replace the missing values with an average; or use the midpoint between the observations on each side of the gap; or use regression to infer the midpoint. Or use other statistical techniques that allow for missing data, such as mixed models. As others have advised, check the literature for methods and data considerations.
As I have observed your data, there are 9 observed values of population density corresponding to 9 consecutive years starting from 2008 upto 2017 excluding 2013I can suggest two methods:
1st Method :
Fit a curve of appropriate degree to the data by least squares method or by orthogonal polynomial and then estimate the value of population density corresponding to the year 2013 from the fitted curve.
2nd Method :
Represent the 9 pairs of observations by a polynomial of degree 8 and then evaluate the value of the population density corresponding to the year 2013 from the polynomial obtained.