27 Questions 498 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dhritikesh Chakrabarty
Meaning of the term STATISTICS as I have thought of is as follows: S T A T I S T I C S Systematic Tentative Analytical...
29 June 2024 3,992 1 View
Many research articles, earning positive feedback by researcher(s), have been observed to be hardly cited. This is a point which is to be thought of deeply. I think, in order to cite an...
29 February 2024 9,581 7 View
From my realization, I like to propose the following meaning/interpretation/significance of the term CHRISTMAS 'C' for Cordiality, 'H' for Humanity, 'R' for Rightfulness, 'I' for...
25 December 2023 9,806 9 View
The normal probability distribution distribution, also known as Gauassian distribution since it is discovered by Gauss, is a symmetric probability distribution. Thus, the skewness of normal...
29 June 2023 6,484 8 View
Suppose, we have a number of sets of data and we want to compare the variations of the sets. We know that coefficient of variation (CV) is the measure which is used and/or can be used in this...
19 December 2022 3,137 9 View
The table of random numbers constructed by Fisher & Yates is universally regarded as an established table of random two-digit numbers. However, in a study on the randomness of the table, it...
16 August 2019 5,192 2 View
Let us consider a table of random numbers. For example, let us consider the Fisher and Yates table of random numbers. It is a general acceptance or general agreement that this table is random...
20 April 2019 5,803 4 View
We have two variables X and Y following the linear model Y = a + bX where a & b are the parameters. We have collected the pairs of numerical observations...
22 November 2018 7,265 17 View
Suppose, we have the pairs of numerical observations namely (X1 , Y1) , (X2 , Y2) , (X3 , Y3) , ................... , (Xn , Yn) on the variables X and Y. Here the observations follow the...
04 November 2018 8,342 18 View
One of my research students (Ph.D. research) had submitted his Ph.D. thesis for the award of Ph.D. degree. One of the two thesis examiners / evaluators assigned by the university had strongly...
13 October 2018 1,021 21 View
My objective is to know about the population mean of a population which follows normal probability distribution . It is possible to obtain one estimate or more estimates of the population mean...
30 September 2018 4,283 43 View
One of my research students (Ph.D. research) has done extension type of research on representation of numerical data on a pair of variables by mathematical curve. He derived some formulas from...
21 September 2018 8,256 22 View
I have two independent random samples . The distribution of data in each of the two samples may not be symmetric. Moreover, the asymmetry may not be same in the two data sets of the two...
12 September 2018 7,737 6 View
Mode is a measure of central tendency of data. Suppose, we have a set of observed data. It has been found that this set of data has two modes. In this case, what can we say about the central...
08 September 2018 8,460 0 View
Arithmetic mean has become the most widely used measure of central tendency of data. Arithmetic mean, which has maximum merits and least demerits, is the most meritorious measure of central...
03 September 2018 8,247 14 View
In a research study on the testing of Fisher's and Yates Random Numbers Table, it has been found (1) that the absence of randomness in the Fisher & Yates Random Numbers Table can be regarded...
02 September 2018 3,780 0 View
Standard deviation has been accepted universally as the ideal measure of dispersion of data. However, standard deviation, though regarded as ideal measure of dispersion, is not based on the...
02 September 2018 9,370 5 View
Suppose there are 5 samples having different means (sample means). Statistical testing of hypothesis may lead to the result that the 5 sample means are equal. It is clear that the 5 sample means...
23 August 2018 1,727 5 View
Standard deviation has become the most widely used measure of dispersion of data. A measure of dispersion can, in the true sense, be regarded as the proper measure of dispersion if the measure...
23 August 2018 8,854 20 View
The form of the sampling distribution of sample mean of random sample from a normal probability distribution is known. Similarly, the form of the sampling distribution of sample variance of random...
22 August 2018 8,929 3 View
The sampling distributions of skewnss and kurtosis are available for large sample. The sampling distributions of skewnss and kurtosis for large sample can be obtained from the central limit...
22 August 2018 6,003 6 View
Suppose that { y1 , y2 , ............... , yn } is a random sample drawn from an infinite population. Then it is established that the sample mean square given by {...
22 August 2018 2,445 6 View
If two variables are independent then the value of Kearl Pearson's correlation between them is found to be zero. Conversely, if the value of Kearl Pearson's correlation between two variables is...
17 August 2018 4,538 26 View
The widely used and the ideal measure of dispersion is standard deviation. Standard deviation is used for determining the value of the dispersion of a set of given data. However, it is beyond my...
15 August 2018 7,812 5 View
Suppose, the citation of a paper published in a journal is very less or the paper has no citation. This implies that the researchers in the respective area either have not known the paper...
22 July 2018 5,160 21 View
Due to some unavoidable reasons, some times some research papers have been published in journals which are of so called low quality. Does it mean that such papers are pour with respect to the quality?
20 July 2018 6,184 18 View
It has come to the notice that we have not been able to upload research items (articles, conference papers, chapters, pre-prints etc.) in research gate due to server error. It has been happening...
01 January 1970 2,853 3 View