24 April 2017 1 8K Report

Does anyone have an experience to publish paper in PLoS One dealing with tagging experimens? We tried to submit the paper to this journal but cannot resolve two major issues:

1) The name of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or ethics committee that approved this study. If approval was not obtained, please explain why it was not necessary, citing any relevant legislation.

The problem is that there are no such a committee in our institute and very few in Russia in other organizations.

2) Details of animal welfare and steps taken to ameliorate suffering, as well as methods of sacrifice, if applicable, in the Methods section of your manuscript.

We tagged lampreys using PIT-tags and didn't think that any actions apart from tagging itself required.

I would be very appreciative for advise on how can we resolve these issues and publish our results.

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