Kirchhoff, K. T., & Beckstrand, R. L. (2000). Critical care nurses' perceptions of obstacles and helpful behaviors in providing end-of-life care to dying patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 9(2), 96.
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Also see:
Downey, L., Engelberg, R. A., Shannon, S. E., & Curtis, J. R. (2006). Measuring intensive care nurses’ perspectives on family-centered end-of-life care: evaluation of 3 questionnaires. American Journal of Critical Care, 15(6), 568-579.
Puntillo, K. A., Benner, P., Drought, T., & Drew, B. (2001). End-of-life issues in intensive care units: a national random survey of nurses' knowledge and beliefs. American Journal of Critical Care, 10(4), 216.
Thank you very much Dr.Mary, I appreciate your help, Actually my research topic is: Barriers, facilitators, and stress related to end of life care among adult critical care nurses of a teaching hospital. so I have questions related to facilitators and barriers but I am searching to special scale to measure nurses stress related to end of life care or palliative care.
ProQuol is a mesurement of burnout, compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and vicarious trauma. Compassion fatigue is a result of prolonged compassion stress. Compassion stress and hypervigilant stress are good to look into as types of stress that nurses face. Her is the link
Perhaps you might find the following useful: Ranse, K., Yates, P. & Coyer, F. (2015). Factors influencing the provision of end-of-life care in critical care settings: development and testing of a survey instrument. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71 (3), 697-709. doi 10.1111/jan.12576. I believe you may find some of what you seek in this article. Best wishes, Mark