Harvest your Arabidopsis plants and gently remove them from the soil.
Cut off the above-ground portion of the plant and discard it. You only need the roots for this protocol.
Rinse the roots gently with tap water to remove any loose dirt or debris.
Submerge the roots in 70% ethanol for 30 seconds to sterilize them and kill any surface bacteria or fungi.
Rinse the roots three times in sterile water to remove any residual ethanol.
Place the roots in a 1:1 mixture of 30% hydrogen peroxide and concentrated sulfuric acid for 10-15 minutes. This will remove any remaining tissue from the roots.
Rinse the roots three times in sterile water to remove any residual hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid.
Use a fine brush to gently clean any remaining debris from the roots.
Transfer the roots to a glass slide with a small amount of water, and gently press them flat with a coverslip.