The answer seems to be negative in general. Indeed a generic surface of degree at least 5 has only plane sections with total Milnor number at most 3, see
Proposition 4 in Geng Xu (J. Differential Geom. 39 (1994), no. 1, 139-172). Such curves are never free.
The following is just a remark, not an answer (which you seem to have provided!). The question seems to be related to a question (of Ziegler, I think) for hyperplane arrangements, which was answered negatively by Yuzvinsky in "The first two obstructions to freeness of arrangements." That is, Yuzvinsky showed that a generic hyperplane section of any hyperplane arrangement is never a free arrangement (some mild assumption must be made on the original hyperplane arrangement - for instance it should not be a boolean arrangement). This is somewhat on the opposite end from a smooth surface, but perhaps a generic section of an arbitrary smooth surface satisfies the same conclusion.
Thank you for your comment and your question. Indeed, a generic plane section of a smooth surface of degree d has exactly one node, and hence is never free for d>2.