In many sectors, of the world economy, operators are introducing a ”COVID-19 surcharge”. Do you think it is ethically deplorable or it is a fair measure to contribute to the sanitization costs?
Yes, unfortunately the pandemic prevailed in the world, and there is no coordination, organized support, and exchange of ideas between the world's scientific.
Yeah, the pandemic has sadly occurred in the world, and there is no planning, coordinated support, and the exchange of ideas between scientists around the world.
Well, I think that Covid-19 is not oportunity to surcharge. The economic sector is not going well, is lockdown and many sector can not support maintain the surcharge.
Therefore, the diferents stakeholders and company have to tall and find out the good way to walk together for mantain the economy not the Covid-19. The situation can change when we look economic relationship among States, like China, EUA, Europe and Africa, in this case, some countries and company can use the power to surcharge others, based Covid-19, but is not ethics or moral point of view, maybe financial interes.
АЛЕСЕЙ ФЕДОРОВИЧ ЛОСЕВ (1970 г.) – русский и советский философ.
О холере 70-х годов в СССР сейчас много пишут (излагают). Как ее побороли? Но еще была холера в начале XX века. Эту холеру назвали шестой пандемией: длилась она почти 25 лет!
Впоследствии эту холеру назовут шестой пандемией (1899 – 1923), охватившей все континенты, за исключением Антарктиды. С начала I Мировой войны холера оказалась в армии, в основном на Юго-Западном фронте.
О холере 70-х годов в фейсбуке сейчас много излагают через песни Владимира Высоцкого. «Холера косит стройные ряды, - но люди вновь смыкаются в шеренги… Холерой могут заболеть холерики – несдержанные люди».
Итак, Лосев о холере в России 1911 года.
«Среднебуржуазный класс не болел. Болели слои ниже среднего класса. Рабочие тоже, кажется, не болели, их там держали крепко на заводах. Вот крестьянство болело. Всё зависит от того, как беречься. Не есть кабачки, дыни. Работала полиция. Были плакаты на улицах. Помню плакат, как вести себя в уборной. Велась агитация за чистоту. Но предприятия не закрывали, продолжали работать. Не так, как теперь. С тех пор холеры не было… до 1917 года и гражданской войны. Неужели теперь забыли, как бороться с холерой? Тогда возьмите старые учебники, прочтите».
Вывод. Мы уже изменились, стали другими. Изменился мир и человек. Придется всем перестроиться.
My opinion is that "COVID-19 surcharge" is a must within the reasonable limits of class standards in hospitals or health centers. This does not violate the ethical health, because of three things: (1) demand - supply of health services and goods in the health sector is normal in the health business in an effort to reward health experts and medical personnel (2) the highest human assets are health, therefore additional costs for health are reasonable, not limited by time and place and circumstances both in normal and emergency situations (3) Determination of additional costs adjusted to the setting of lower prices - upper prices are proportional to the ability of patients.
in bahasa
Pendapat saya bahwa "COVID-19 surcharge" sebuah keharusan dalam batas kewajaran sebagaimana standar-standar kelas di rumah sakit atau pusat kesehatan. Tidak melanggar etis kesehatan, karena tiga hal : (1) demand supply jasa kesehatan dan barang dalam bidang kesehatan adalah hal yang normal dalam bisnis kesehatan dalam upaya memberikan penghargaan kepada para pakar kesehatan serta tenaga medis (2) aset manusia paling tinggi adalah kesehatan, oleh karenanya biaya tambahan demi kesehatan adalah sebuah kewajaran, tidak terbatas oleh waktu dan tempat serta keadaan baik dalam situasi normal ataupun darurat (3) Penetapan biaya tambahan disesuaikan dengan penetapan harga bawah - harga atas sebanding dengan kemampuan pasien.
However, in a pandemic situation, such as covid19, such a surcharge is not justified, since the role of the State, for guaranteeing the right to health, is imperative, that is, the State of assuming first-hand tasks. In this sense, the Conditions must be created by the States (Governments) to mitigate the negative impacts. And do not go to the pocket of the citizen, of extreme necessity, to apply such a tax. Before health, then profit. (demand is an exception, as is the case with medical personnel and material needed at this time, they are an exception, and never a rule). For this reason it is deplorable the over tax applicable in times of Pandemic. The great example, are the times today, will we be able to pay such surcharges? How many people will be able to do it and with what resources will they do it? Salvatore Saiu Murry Darmoko Omar Ali Al-Khashman Ernest Ganancial San Jose
In the ethical theory of health all humans are the same, but in reality what happens on the ground is different. Why is there a difference in class between the hospital and the service? in my opinion, the difference is not made to distinguish, but the difference is to reward medical personnel with various levels of skills possessed, even in emergency treatment, we must look at who and the position a person has when being served in a hospital. When it comes to theory, everything will be fine. But in reality, we must give 'fairness' to certain patterns of health care, especially in cases where the rules are not yet written.
in bahasa
Dalam teori etika kesehatan semua manusia sama, namun dalam kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan berbeda. Kenapa ada perbedaan kelas di rumah sakit dengan pelayanannya? menurut saya, perbedaan itu bukan dibuat untuk membedakan, tapi perbedaan itu untuk menghargai para tenaga medis dengan berbagai tingkatan ketrampilan yang dimiliki, bahkan dalam penanganan darurat, kita harus melihat pada siapa dan kedudukan yang dimiliki oleh seseorang saat dilayani di rumah sakit. Kalau bicara teori, semua akan baik-baik saja. Namun pada kenyataannya, kita harus memberikan 'kewajaran' pada pola pelayanan kesehatan tertentu, terlebih pada kasus-kasus yang peraturannya belum tertulis.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has generated political, educational, social and economic changes around the world, in order to promote discussion, especially in the economic sector, we share the following manuscript.
Article Economy or Health, Constant Dilemma in Times of Pandemic: Th...