Requesting help regarding finding the oldest printed copy of Qur’an Ajim

Brother, salam and best wishes.

I am a lawyer in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am currently researching the matter of the preservation of the Qur’an Ajim. My hypothesis is that Allah Rabbul Alamin did not promise to preserve the Qur’an Ajim despite the contrary claim on the basis of Verse No. 9 of Sura No. 15 - Suratul Hijri: “Wa inna lahu lahafizuna”. I say this because of the overwhelming evidence that I have discovered in the text of the Qur’an of its corruption, including declarations of Allah Tayala that Qur’an has been distorted, interalia, at “thumma yuharrifoonahu”, verse No. 75 of Suratu-lbakarati [2:75].

I am using ‘the Meaning of the Glorious Quran, Text, Translation and Commentary’ by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, published in 1938 by Dar al-Kitab al-Masri, Cairo and Dar al-Kitab Allubnani, Beirut, 3rdEdition, 1938 for my research. I also possess a digital copy made my scanning the printed 1937 ’THE HOLY QUR-AN: ARABIC TEXT WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND COMMENTARY, BY 'ABDULLAH YÜSUF 'ALI’ Three-Volume Edition, 1937, PUBLISHED BY SHAIKH MUHAMMAD ASHRAF, Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore (India)[1].

I have found that the first printed Qur’an was the Venetian printer Alessandro Paganini produced the first Arabic Koran in 1537/38[2]; we know one in St. Petersburg in Russia at the request of Catherine the Great (1762-1796); and one or more copies before the seminal edition was published by the Amiri Press in the Bulaq district of Cairo on July 10, 1924, see for details, interalia, at Wikipedia[3]. “It is the first printed Quran to be accepted by a Muslim authority—Al-Azhar”, states Wikipedia.

I am looking for the 1924 Cairo edition of the Qur’an Ajim. Do you know where I can access a digital version of that copy, or can download a PDF copy of that?

I would appreciate any help. Jajakallahu khairan.

With best regards.

[1] Available online at a Government of India website, among other places,, accessed last on 04.12.2022. It is mentionable that it is very difficult to find any digital copy of this publication. A second location is, also accessed last on 04.12.2022.

[2]Prof. dr. Harmut Bobzin University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, Early Printed Korans, Holy Books Installment I & II, Brochure,, accessed last on 12.12.2022.

[3]Cairo edition,,Muslim%20authority%E2%80%94Al%2DAzhar., accessed last on 12.12.2022.

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