I need a simple, passive, current limiter: adjustable 1uA-1A, one that can never be tricked during simulation into sourcing current or voltage. It can remain fixed while SPICE simulates the circuit according to NUTMEG. I am happy to set the current by editing my SPICE deck. Being able to call a SUBCKT would be nice, however, as far as I can tell, MacSPICE does not pass parameters to SUBCKTS. So, editing the current limit in the main code or in the SUBCKT would work equally well, I believe. At present the circuit needs only one current limiting diode, so, the SUBCKT makes little difference.

In Early September 2014 I edited this question and attached a transfer curve for the desired current-limiting diode and later a simplified version of the circuit I am using to model the biological system. Hopefully these will make my request more clear. I should have included them from the beginning.

The current-limiting diode is in the upper left, between nodes 100 and 101.

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