I would like to have data on normal human activities and associated metabolic rates for use in estimation heat and CO2 emitted during various normal activities.
not really. I am following TC 2.1 discussion regarding this topic and am surprised how old man are against the updates or at least verification. i will make sure that TC 2.1 research develops RTAR to verify these numbers. Thanks for bringing this up. Very important topic.
Sports physiologists would have this info, but the athletes tested may not necessarily fall in 'normal' range they will have activities associated CO2 rates that do.
Hal, I know a colleague from the Sports Faculty who collects this type of information from athletes during training sessions This is really an important topic because the RQ value is usually considered constant by the HVAC people...I will contact him
Hi guys.. I am working on the air conditioning system ..one of the key issues is thermal comfort and metabolic rate..I would like to measure the MET by using psychometric chart . Energy (kW) = mass flow rate (kg/s) x enthalpy difference (kJ/kg). I will make a special room for the project. measure the supply air and return air..Is this method correct and accurate? Thank you.