There is scientific evidence of mRNA and vectorial vaccines' genotoxicity.

mRNA vaccines induce immunodepression increasing vulnerability to communicable and non-communicable diseases ( cancer) and have a high rate of serious adverse effects, including death. Many otherwise healthy young people have died

Scientific evidence is supported by epidemiological data that show an increase in the infection risk from VOC in vaccinated people and in oncologic patients.

Moreover, I suggest reading Christine Cotton's expertise about the mRNA vaccines' unreliability.

In Florida, there was an 83% increase in mortality in vaccinated people.

We proposed on Research gate an International Research Manifesto for the withdrawal of mRNA and vectorial vaccines. if you agree you could sign it for building an international pressure lobby and there is an open discussion on Researchgate about this topic.

A Research Manifesto for anti-COVID-19 mRNA, and vectorial sera withdrawal

Reference on Research Gate

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