Emotions are the most present, pressing and sometimes painful force in our lives. We are driven day by day by our emotions. We take chances because we're excited for new prospects. We cry because we've been hurt and we make sacrifices because we love. Without a doubt, our emotions dictate our thoughts, intentions and actions with superior authority to our rational minds. But when we act on our emotions too quickly, or we act on the wrong kinds of emotions, we often make decisions that we later lament.
Emotions are not bad on their own. Both logic and emotions are part of the human psychology or mental state. It's only when emotions are wrongly expressed that it is 'bad' and may be harmful, as seen in persons in a rage or fury, or in severely depressed and sad individuals who need counselling and medication to overcome sorrow and depression. Some of us have been trained to be logical, to control excessive emotions and put emotions to good use, in being able to empathize with others. It's good to be a human with both logic and emotions.
Yes, sometimes emotions do overcome our logic hence we human beings also being labeled as emotional beings. Agreed to the points posited by Miranda inclusive emotion by itself is not bad.
Some bad / negative emotions include:
lets things build up, then they blow up, or react strongly to something relatively minor
lacks integrity and a sense of conscience
carries grudges; is unforgiving
acts out his feelings, rather than talking them out
insensitive to people feelings
Some good / positive emotions include:
able to read non-verbal communication,
tends to feel optimistic, but is also realistic, and can feel pessimistic at times
balances feelings with reason, logic, and reality,
Yes, indeed. Logic in the language of conscious mind. Emotions are our reactions to perceived stimuli, not based on logic, but based on our personal experiences.
Logic is based on left brain and emotions are based on the right brain.
"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion."
"We make many decisions, and sometimes we are more or less logical about them. And it is arguable that all decision are, ultimately emotional.
Logical vs. emotional decision-making
Decision-making is a cognitive process where the outcome is a choice between alternatives. We often have different preferences as to our preferred, approach, varying between thinking and feeling.
Logical decision-making
When we use logic to make decisions, we seek to exclude emotions, using only rational methods, and perhaps even mathematical tools. The foundation of such decisions is the principle ofutility, whereby the value of each option is assessed by assigning criteria (often weighted).
Emotional decision-making
There is a whole range of decision-making that uses emotion, depending on the degree of logic that is included in the process.
A totally emotional decision is typically very fast. This is because it takes time (at least 0.1 seconds) for the rational cortex to get going. This is the reactive (and largely subconscious) decision-making that you encounter in heated arguments or when faced with immediate danger.
Common emotional decisions may use some logic, but the main driving force is emotion, which either overrides logic or uses a pseudo-logic to support emotional choices (this is extremely common).
Another common use of emotion in decision is to start with logic and then use emotion in the final choice."....
please, see the original article and the other related articles...
Emotions are the most present, pressing and sometimes painful force in our lives. We are driven day by day by our emotions. We take chances because we're excited for new prospects. We cry because we've been hurt and we make sacrifices because we love. Without a doubt, our emotions dictate our thoughts, intentions and actions with superior authority to our rational minds. But when we act on our emotions too quickly, or we act on the wrong kinds of emotions, we often make decisions that we later lament.
I think, most humans have the tendency to allow emotions to dominate logical feelings. Some succeed in balancing the two; some are always logical. That depends on variables like: personality type, values, training, education, hereditary traits, influence of reference groups, etc. Also, in relation to some relations our emotions dominate more than in others, e.g. children, close relatives, loved ones, etc.
Of course they do,. Otherwise, we would not belong to the human race. maybe my answer is striking, but that is for me the reason, why states, juridical systems, etc., are created. It is simply impossible to have a clear-cut balance of our bio-physiological and emotional lives.
Otherwise, logic stems from philosophy, and it usually the consequence of psychology: or if I may call it so, the opposite of one may call a process in physiology and psychology. it emerges as a consequence of our psychological processes; so logic of science is a sort of a strategy which you built up after certain processes have occurred in the brain.
Human emotions in conclusion overcome logical and strategic "movements" of ours, exactly because of the fact that emotions overcome rationality and are not exact. They are at times, a result of interpretation, which can as well be a mis-interpretation, therefore punishable, according to laws, which are emotionless.And finally "laws" and rules exist in logic, sociology, etc.,
The question is very important, very academic and applicable. It is the same as if You asked: ontology or epistemology?
Thank You so much. The answer should be diplomatic., and metaphoric I guess.
Now I do not know whether there is a underlying question on "is it bad"...
I do not think it is bad either
Logic is good, but sometimes emotions are better: e.g. intuition is a positive emotion offering new ways and sometimes shortcuts to problems which otherwise will be logically worrysome
Human beings are emotional by nature. Hence, it is quite likely that emotions may sometimes dominate over logic. Therefore, a prudent balance between head and heart is essential. Rationality is the outcome of logic, and must prevail over emotions, which sometime is likely to blur the vision of rationality. Training in controlling emotions is essential. Meditation is an ancient Indian technique of complete relaxation of body and mind.
Cognitive processes such as decision making and problem solving always involve a combination of emotion and reasoning with the balance shifting back and forth depending on context and other factors. Indeed, reasoning - inductive, deductive and abductive - relies on emotional meaning as has been described by Daniel Kahneman and Gary Klein: http://nas.psych.uidaho.edu/~ad.uidaho.edu%5Cbdyre/psyc562/readings/Decision_Making/Kahneman_and_Klein%282009%29.pdf
Dr. Antonio Damasio, a neurologist known for his work on the relationship between emotions and decision making, suggests that emotions may be fundamental to dealing with equal options and decisions that do not have a clear rational basis for choosing.
In his 1994 book, Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, Damasio shows how patients with prefrontal cortical damage cannot create the emotions necessary for effective decision-making. In one example, his story of Elliot describes how, without emotion, he could not make simple choices, such as which color socks to wear. This suggests that at the point of selection, emotions may be key for choosing. Even when we believe they are rational decisions, the actual choice may in reality be based on emotion.
Studies of people with ventromedial injuries, the area of the brain active in emotions, revealed a distinct difference in response to questions that present a moral dilemma of saving many people at the expense of one innocent. This suggests an ongoing tension between the rational cost-benefit calculations and the instinctive emotional decision making parts of our mind, particularly for moral judgments.
Emotions is who makes human kind different from robots. Brains' intelligence is who differentiate human from other species. As brains are who makes human human so ones emotions shouldn't overcomes our mind. When a person is face of a huge emotional state due to hard or difficult conditions, she shouldn't makes decisions. Decisions should be based on rationality on pros & cons.and free of emotions.