Dear researchers,
I plan to investigate possible causalities of certain psychological constructs and variables like Engagement, Goal attainment, Well-being...
Based on correlation analyses and theoretical considerations, I created a hypothesis system of causal paths (eg. "mindfulness" -> "Autonomy of Goals; "Autonomy of goals" -> "Engagement in the goal" and many more). So that I have now a empirically and theoretically derived hypothesis system of 9 variables. For each of the variables I have a valid and reliable quantitative measurement.
My question is: Is it reasonable to measure all variables just at one point of time to calculate possible causlities and prove my hypothesis system?
Or do I need longitunal data for the variables (e.g. "Change of autonomy of Goals" over a 3 months period) to conduct path analysis?
It would be awesome if you could share your knowledge with me.
Kind regards