Let's consider 1D conductor, say, quantum wire (QW) with smooth walls and therefore negligible carriers' scattering on them and other centers. (This is possible in QW in which the drift mobility becomes very high.) Before the field is applied the electrons have different drift velocities u with the average =0. After applying the field q*E(t)=q*E0*sin(wt+a) at t=0 we receive within classical approach
v(t)=u+(qE0/mw)cosa - (qE0/mw)cos(wt+a), m - the mass.
Thus all drift velocities should be shifted on the phase a dependent constant of =(qE0/mw)sina, and the DC density component equals j=qn(qE0/mw)sina. For the relaxation time tau>>2pi/w we have slowly decreasing DC component on the background of the permanent alternating current.
Please answer me whether this phenomenon takes place.