Hi researchers,

I try to find a pair of primers for CXCL12 from publications. One strange thing I found was that, we I use the primers from publication to do blast in NCBI primer tool, they cannot 100% match to CXCL12 gene or even completely match to other sites. Since it's not only one case, what happens behind this? I attach one of the examples here.

Title: "SDF-1/CXCL12 Production by Mature Dendritic Cells Inhibits the Propagation of X4-Tropic HIV-1 Isolates at the Dendritic Cell-T-Cell Infectious Synapse"

Link: http://jvi.asm.org/content/84/9/4341.full

The primers sequence for CXCL12 are:



The NCBI primer blast tool link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/tools/primer-blast/

As shown in Fig1, I just past the forward and reverse sequence into the related boxes and don't change anything else in this page. Then I click "Get primers" button at the bottom of the page.(This is how I check primer specificity, hope it's not wrong.)

The result is shown in Fig2. As you can see, it will not bind to CXCL12 at all! Similar situation also happens in other publications I checked. So did I do anything wrong in this procedure?

Thanks for your help!

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