10 October 2016 14 3K Report

Two-way ANOVA on a dataset (codes and results given below) showed no interaction. However, the post hoc output from lsmean package showed a compact letter display which sounds like there is an interaction. The compact letter display for "treatment 2" at "week1" is "c" whereas it is "ab"  at week2 and week3, respectively. Does this show an interaction (the effect of treatment changes with change in week)or am I misinterpreting the result? The codes given below.


read.table(textConnection("time treatment effect

week1 1 664

week1 1 617

week1 1 647

week1 2 732

week1 2 819

week1 2 843

week1 3 850

week1 3 670

week1 3 722

week2 1 561

week2 1 581

week2 1 586

week2 2 597

week2 2 669

week2 2 654

week2 3 747

week2 3 708

week2 3 705

week3 1 630

week3 1 630

week3 1 664

week3 2 576

week3 2 666

week3 2 716

week3 3 776

week3 3 773

week3 3 726





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