Dr. lecturer with both academic abilities and practical experience in a real environment in colleges are much in demand and can have a significant advantage in today’s competitive to change Materials.
Yes !!! Rather, I would rather strongly suggest to do it. Every time, you change your material you learn new things which bring new insights on the subject matter.
Certainly, many courses require annual renewal and updating, according to the requirements of continuous scientific progress and progress, although some tests are not immediately applicable but our duty towards students is to provide the latest.
Change is good, especially in the field of teaching and learning where exploration and discovery of new learning are required. However, a total overhaul of teaching materials may also put the seemingly old but very efficient teaching and learning materials in danger. I would suggest humbly that the teaching materials be updated, with aspects for particular topics refreshed as and when the need arises to abreast a lecturer's teaching and learning materials to the up-to-speed development in the global setting of knowledge expedition.