26 August 2017 10 8K Report

DEAE has a pKa 6.9 (DE52)

Tryptophan synthase, alpha subunit has pI 5.31

Wash buffer & Equlibriation buffer are same pH 7.8 (10mM phosphate buffer 4mM Na2EDTA 1mM DTE).

Pellet fraction (inclusion bodies) is resuspended in (100mM, 1mM Na2EDTA, 1mM DTE) wash buffer and after centrifugation 45min twice into urea buffer pH 7.8 (6M urea + wash buffer).

Both supernatant and pellet fractions are dialysed for 4 hours.

50mM phosphate buffer, 2mM Na2EDTA, 1mM DTE and 25mM 2mM Na2EDTA, 1mM DTE for 4hrs, Finally with wash buffer (10mM phosphate buffer, 2mM Na2EDTA, 1mM DTE).

When we load these sample on to the column protein (pI 5.31) is negatively charged in pH 7.8, DEAE (pKa 6.9) is also negatively charged in pH 7.8 how does binding happen and it is eluted with increased concentration of EDTA 4mM, 10mM phosphate buffer, 1mM DTE. Even nucleotides don't bind to DEAE? 


For purification of reverse transcriptase enzyme.

After affinity purification using HisTrap HP 5ml we run pool fractions on SDS

then on Sephadex G25 column (equilibrated with storage buffer pH 8)

then after SDS, we do IEX DEAE-Sepharose CL6B (equilibrated with storage buffer pH 8 and washed/eluted with the same buffer).

The purpose of using IEX is to remove nucleotide contaminants.

RT pI is 8.6 DEAE, pI is 6.9 DEAE equilibrated in buffer pH 8 will make it negatively charged, meanwhile RT in buffer pH 8 will be positive in charge thus binds to DEAE?

How are nucleotide removed and we don't use any elution buffer?


Finally, what does Sephacryl S100 mean in practice, for example, a protein taq enzyme 95kDA after AS 60% saturation is passed through it will pass through the pore or void volume?

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