Dear all,

I am trying to simulate two  kind of particle mix from two inlet at gravity and mix,air velocity is 0 at inlet. then monitor how two particles mix together,as in picture.

I am using DDPM+DEM model, normal collision law i use spring dashpot model,tangential friction dashpot,k as100,eta as 0.5 for both particle-particle pairs and particle-wall pairs,other parameter as default.I set inlet boundary as velocity-inlet,DPM as reflect,Outlet boundary as pressure outlet. Also gravity is included,drag is set as gidaspow.

My problem is when I see the pathline,it shows particle revolve in the mixer,as in picture 2 and 3,and particle from inlet-1 can go to inlet-2. Could anyone give some solution

Is eta restitution coefficient ? How to define the parameter related to tangential model? Such as mu-stick,mu-glide? I cannot find reference about this parameter in fluent theory guide, could anyone share some papers or books related to this one?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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