Hi, does anyone have an idea what might be causing this dark brown (pale, clear yellow if I re-suspend) precipitate to form? Here is some background on my sample preparation:

1. Lyse HEK293 cells with RIPA buffer (inhibitors added include PMSF, DTT, Leupeptin, Aprotinin, and Pepstatin). The extracts are clear at this point.

2. Pull-down biotinylated proteins using magnetic Thermo Fisher Scientific Dynabeads MyOne Streptavidin C1 (beads conjugated to streptavidin). These beads form a murky brown slurry and I suspect SOMETHING from these beads might be creating the precipitate later on.

3. Wash the bound beads first with a stringent buffer with a high concentration of SDS, then a few washes in RIPA lysis buffer (more mild), followed by TAP lysis buffer (even more mild), and then 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate to finish. 

4. On-bead trypsin digest to get peptides. To do this, I first reduce the disulfide bonds using DTT and then alkylate using iodoacetamide. Next, I do the on-bead digest and then collect the beads by centrifugation and using a powerful magnet. The solution I'm left with is clear at this point.

5. After speed vacuuming my solution for a few hours, my entire sample is concentrated and turns a dark, rusty brown colour. This precipitate easily disperses, with some pipetting, in 0.1% TFA and tinges my entire solution a translucent, faint yellow.

Anyone have any idea what is causing this? Just a side note that I do not use any strong acids throughout my protein preparation protocol.

Though it's not ideal, I can ZipTip the sample and the resin turns yellow when bound by my sample, however the resin turns white again after elution. I do not see the precipitate after ZipTipping but this could just be because my new, final sample volume is much smaller (~10 uL) after using a 10 uL ZipTip.  

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