I'm trying to stain biocytin filled cells with Nickel/Cobalt intensified DAB following the general avidin/biotin staining protocol followed by mounting on gelatin coated slides and coverslipping with an aqueous mounting medium (Hydro-Matrix). The day of staining, the labeled cells show the dark black reaction product I am wanting from the metal enhanced DAB and look great. However, after coverslipping and coming back to look at slides over the weekend, my dark black reaction product completely went away and now appears brown like I used standard DAB with no metal. I was under the assumption that DAB (including metal enhanced) was insoluble in water/alcohol/organics so I'm at a loss why I'm losing my dark black staining? I'm planning to coverslip with alternate aqueous mounting medium for the next round of staining as well as try to dehydrate and mount in DPX to see if it is my mounting medium, but any thoughts in the meantime would be appreciated!