Hi everybody,
In Tabacknick and Fidell's "Using Multivariate Statistics", chapter 5, there are two types of regression "Sequential Multiple Regression" & and "Statistical (Stepwise) Regression" that I can not differ very well. Actually I have only one predictor variable (with two sub-scales) and a moderator variable. Shall I use Stepwise? He also puts it this way for Stepwise Regression:
"Cross-validation is highly recommended for statistical regression and is accomplished through several steps. First, the data set is divided into two random samples: a recommended split is 80% for the statistical regression analysis and the remaining 20% as the cross validation sample (SYSTAT Software Inc.. 2004, p. !I-16). After the statistical regression on the larger subsample is run. predicted scores are created for the smaller cross-validation sample using the regression coefficients produced by the analysis. Finally, predicted scores and actual scores are correlated to find R' for the smaller sample. A large discrepancy between R. for the smaller and larger samples indicates overfitting and lack of generalizability of the results of the analysis." (P. 139 & 140)
with my situation described above, should I need a cross-validation?
Thanks in advance for your time and energy, :)