SOLVED!!! Don't see how I can delete this question?

I am testing a survey about personality types and self-disclosure on Instagram. I gathered 105 respondents and used the mini IPIP scale by Donnellan to measure the big five personality types. I have reversed coded the items that were negative and double checked with a Phd researcher who confirmed I did it correctly. When running the reliability analysis for the mean of each variable, I get the results in the attached photo. I was told that this could be because some respondents were unreliable and clicking random answers and it could help to remove the outliers. So I did the Mahalanobis Distance in SPSS to identify the outliers (see attachment). I am not sure if I did it correctly but from what I can gather, there are no outliers since none are below .001? I am not sure now how to save my data and how to make it more reliable. I can go back and gather more respondents but it's been hard to do so and I am running out of time. Please advise. Thank you in advance.

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