There is some critique that I'm trying to find answers to and need your input in it.

Mostly, in order to develop a theory I have seen the usage of Grounded Theory Approach of Strauss, Corbin & Charmaz. Likewise, earlier there were others such as Eisenhardt, Cresswel who talk about developing theories from Case Studies. I have also read a coding manual developed by Saldana. I have noticed something similar in all three types of analysis' methods. "The construction is done through categorizing the data by using one order i.e. a three tier method of coding" for instance Raw Data, Preliminary Codes, Final Code, compare that with Identifying Themes, Reviewing Themes, Naming Themes similarly in GT Initial Coding, Axial Coding, Theoretical Coding. (Whether done using CAQDAS, Atlasti or QSR Invivo)

The criticism is even worst* when we combine one or more multiple methods of analysis within cases e.g. using FGDs & Interviews as data collection for a case and grounded theory approach, thematic analysis, discourse analysis etc. as data analysis techniques?

*[Where it is OK for them to use descriptive and inferential or non parametric techniques all together in one study not to mention data normalization & transformation tests that are used first to re-fine [ or re-define] the data] :)

How to counter such types of arguments by post-positivists and quantitative researchers? Is there a way out? I am stuck. I know there are philosophical differences but I need your opinions as well.

Thanks a lot!

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