How to find the article specific critical thinking in integral calculus, critical thinking in integrations?". I hav google scholar, journal and thesis but i can't find.
I think your subject might be too specialised to have its own literature base. I would recommend that you look at broader and related subjects such as critical thinking in mathematics, calculus education and artificial intelligence in calculus.
Integration is the reverse process of differentiation. This means that some things work easily whilst others require "tricks" and others are impossible. A standard text book on integration will teach the subject in an appropriate sequence, encouraging critica thinking.
Compared with other subjects, critical thinking in mathematics is much more black and white because the answer is either right or wrong.
The following two publications might be useful for you:
Burke, K. (2010). Developing Critical Thinking Skills in an Introductory Calculus-Based Physics Class with the Aid of Peer Review. In Creating Academic Community for First-Generation College Students: A Graduate Student Instructor Guidebook.
Forbes, C. A. (1997). Analyzing the growth of the critical thinking skills of college calculus students. A dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Iowa State University.