39 Questions 617 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Barry Turner
22 April 2020 1,869 3 View
Two conflicting theories suggest on the one hand that the complex biological nature of Earth is rare or even unique in the universe or conversly that life is inevitable just about everywhere,...
28 December 2018 3,481 4 View
RG as a discussion platform is home to many fascinating questions and a whole range of opinions. There seems to be a tendency to couch questions in three forms, the hypothetical, the rhetorical...
11 June 2018 5,206 5 View
The imminent departure of the UK from the European Union is often talked about as either a 'generational change' or even irreversible. In reality there will be no barrier to the UK reapplying for...
25 December 2017 5,918 14 View
Are our ethical and moral rules simply a human manifestation of the instinct to survive? Is morality simply a ritualised set of behaviours centered around survival of the group or...
06 November 2017 3,667 10 View
In 1914 Europe blundered into a war that shaped the 20th century. The Central Powers started the war with huge professional armies and some of the best military technology in the world yet...
21 October 2017 3,478 9 View
"Psychiatry is in decline and is becoming obsolete, a victim of its own psychobabble and increasingly mind-numbing research, understandable to the elite few". ...
08 August 2017 2,393 7 View
In the last 117 years the population of the US has only once declined against a steady background of population growth. The world was hit by a massive influenza pandemic during that period but...
04 August 2017 4,181 5 View
I have just spent two decades thinking we had a supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy. Now I hear its a Boson Star. Is this right, and does anybody out there know what one of these...
13 July 2017 9,113 7 View
A catastrophy is an anthropic interpretation of an event which categorises it as essentially destructive. Naturally occurring 'catastrophes' however are clearly responsible for, in fact are an...
02 July 2017 5,328 74 View
The Conservative manifesto for the forthcoming election states that under a Conservative government, British troops would in future be subject to the Law of Armed Conflict, which includes the...
19 May 2017 783 14 View
In spite of an apparant invasion plan and a list of individuals to be rounded up following an invasion there is little to indicate that Hitler intended a full blown invasion and occupation of...
28 February 2017 9,739 19 View
What is it about studying our ancient ancestors that causes so much friction among scientists? The science of paleoanthropology has seen some of the biggest scientific squabbles in the history of...
26 February 2017 3,031 98 View
The latest appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States Judge Neil Gorsuch has robustly criticised the use of courtrooms as a forum for social change. He states that this is bad for both...
01 February 2017 1,194 56 View
Thomas Weldon, Oxford philosopher and aide to Air Chief Marshall Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris belived that the only way to end war was for it to be as evil and nasty as possible. A war fought by...
29 November 2016 6,388 29 View
Mosquitos represent a major threat to global health and are likely to become more dangerous in the future. Do we need to prioritise the destruction of this pest and to perhaps introduce more...
27 April 2016 7,384 37 View
The threatened, and in sadly too many cases destruction of world heritage sites by religious fundamentalists robs not only our generation of knowledge and culture but those to come. This is not...
21 May 2015 7,830 78 View
Patients who fail to respond to the atypical anti-psychotics are described in psychiatric orthodoxy as treatment resistant. Is this a failure to understand the alternative diagnoses and drug...
13 May 2014 1,047 10 View
Therapeutic communities have had some success in reducing socially aberrant behaviour associated with conditions defined as personality disorders. What evidence exists for their efficacy in...
04 May 2014 3,347 8 View
Currently there is no uniformity in the recognition of expert witnesses either in terms of qualifications, experience or continuous professional development. How should the trier of fact 'try' the...
19 April 2014 1,800 6 View
One of the most frequently used expressions in scientific research papers is "the mechanism is not fully understood" and this is a great motivator for researchers to strive to expand scientific...
18 April 2014 7,815 99 View
Many companies have adopted codes of ethics and joined the UN Global Compact on Corporate Ethics, many after having a dubious track record on 'right and wrong'. Is this an indication of...
01 March 2014 1,972 4 View
Many scientists differentiate the hard physical sciences from philosophy, some even say "that's not science its philosophy". Are they missing the point in a big way?
21 January 2014 7,641 25 View
Is it better to keep cultured Paclitaxel and Adriamycin resistant cells in the drugs in order to maintain resistance in the individual cells.
15 January 2014 2,151 3 View
Would science be better communicated in the journals if the authors wrote in plain English rather than jargon? It seems to have worked to some extent in law and that once impenetrable language...
26 December 2013 3,673 14 View
While there is high quality science journalism available, there is also a great deal of misleading and in some cases dangerous copies. Is this a national or international trend?
14 December 2012 415 8 View
The origin of life on Earth is still not known. Some maintain that rather than it having originated here as a result of complex organic chemical reactions that it arrived fully formed from space...
01 January 1970 4,720 5 View
Andrew Neil, a TV presenter here in UK has just used a word, ultracrepidarianism, the roots of which are attributed to Pliny the Elder. ne supra crepidam sutor judicare ‘let the cobbler not judge...
01 January 1970 3,605 61 View
The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) has opened a discussion on the contribution of technology to democracy. Does anyone have any ideas on how technology might be used to...
01 January 1970 6,129 2 View
The population of Africa is growing at a rapid pace with some estimates projecting 2.4 billion by 2050. Even the more conservative estimates indicate a massive growth by the end of the...
01 January 1970 8,151 2 View
The Covid-19 crisis has indicated how relatively easy it is for otherwise democratic institutions to impose autocratic methods to deal with a crisis. Just about every country affected by the...
01 January 1970 8,302 19 View
What will society look like when the pandemic is over? Opinions range from a return to normal to a totally changed world. Will we have to be forever on standby for the next outbreak which could...
01 January 1970 1,040 10 View
Since January this year we have been under the threat of a pandemic, since March our governments have intervened to control it and largely failed, whatever the initiatives they deployed. The virus...
01 January 1970 3,466 12 View
Somewhere around 4.5 billion years ago a Mars sized planet struck the Earth causing the formation of Lunar, our moon. It is likely that this event was crucial the evolution of multicellular life...
01 January 1970 8,688 5 View
Political commentators often refer to the wave of populism that has engulfed many of the world’s democracies as ‘Post Truth Politics’. The general definition of this suggests that political...
01 January 1970 8,062 4 View
Off the Pacific coast of Ecuador stretching west for thousands of kilometres is a tongue shaped protrusion of ocean that has been cooling for the last 30 years. It has received scant attention by...
01 January 1970 8,728 6 View
Military and other uniforms carry a significant amount of information about the wearer. Most of this is portrayed in iconic/symbolic form with occasional archaic origin. This form of non-verbal...
01 January 1970 9,860 11 View
From Robin Hood to the Kray twins there has been a tendency in Western European cultures to mythologise outlaws, many of whom were cold blooded murderers. The American gangsters of the 1920's to...
01 January 1970 830 27 View
By 2040, according to a new report by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, the Spanish are expected to have an average lifespan of 85.8 years, outliving even the Japanese, who have...
01 January 1970 6,446 78 View