As obesity is suggested to be a risk factor of COVID-19, possible relationship between COVID-19 death (data from Johns Hopkins Univ.) and obesity was plotted on a graph (attached file). Since COVID-19 patient data is not readily available, average overweight population or BMI by nation (data from Our World in Data) was used as a surrogate. As shown in attached Fig, nation with average BMI lower than 25 exhibits extremely low COVID-19 death especially for male. This might be related to activated Akt/TORC1 pathway in obesity, of which pathway has an impact on immunity and inflammation. On the other hand, interestingly, quite a few countries with high average BMI showed very low mortality as that with low BMI. Although BMI here is not real patient data, provided that high BMI patients actually resulted in low death probability in some COVID-19 infected segments, we should look into underlying mechanism in detail. There might be some way to find potential COVID-19 therapeutics. I hope that some researchers already have a clue.