Firstly, subject of your thesis seems to be quite interesting. Then, I want to share some questions with you came to my mind:
- May putting your contact information into the first page be better?
- Instead of measuring job performance with a self-assessment scale, is it possible to find more objective measures? Many studies in HRM literature previously found that individuals often show a tendency to assess performance of themselves higher than others' assesments for them. So, objective performance measures may be better.
- You put the names of authors who you obtained benefits from their studies. I think that you kept these names for the procedure of face validity?. Normally, you will not need these names on the questionnaire.
-In addition, can categories of the question of "duration of work experience" be re-arranged? For example, Less than 1 year, 1-5 years, 6-10 years etc.
Because, the category of "more than 3 years" is extremely broad. For example, a person with 4 years experience and another person with 26 years experience are in the same category.
-Finally, adding another question such as "marital status" into the demographic questions may be useful?. Good luck in your PhD thesis!.
in the section of service quality,use parasuraman questionnaire and about the question no. 4 "internal ser.qua. " make sure that this is relevant or not.
Where are you going to do your research?tell me about your sample space and standardization.we can scientifically have a better comment on your subject as soon as getting some math. data .Good luck and be happy
Face validity is required in those cases when you are going to develop new instrument, however if you are going to adapt already developed questionnaire then construct validity is required. The questionnaire is available in following article.
Amin: maybe it would be convenient in the header to explain the filling of the questionnaire instead of just putting the scale and including that the information will be used only for academic purposes
you dont need to apply a Face Validity because your instrument already exist, however you could use a factorial Analysis for performing a construct validity.
consider including tick boxes in front of every answer box for ease of answering otherwise people will struggle to insert ticks or x's or even typing in, but if there is a 'tick' on' click' then makes everything easier.