I am a student studying modeling memory devices. I have a question about stepsize for transient simulation in Sdevice.
For example, transient simulation is performed from 0 to 1 second.
0.0 to 0.5 seconds: "minstep=1e-6"
0.5 to 0.6 seconds: "minstep=1e-8"
0.6 to 1.0 seconds: "minstep=1e-6"
Is there a way to make the minstep different for each time interval as above?
I want to get accurate data by taking points densely for a specific time interval.
If this method is possible, how can I modify the Sdevice command? I would really appreciate it if you could share the trasient command.
If this method is not possible, please tell me it is not possible.
Thank you in advance.
SeongHwan Kong