My protein is 476 residues. I would like to plot the map only for specific regions and mention it in the input thus choosing the residues i wish to calculate the contacts for. Does anyone know of any server /standalone programs for same?
Use the radius tool available in SPDBV. It will display the region falling in selected radius only. Further you can save a PDB file of displayed residues or a JPG also.
However, this would only work for fully-atomistic representations. If this does not work, you may write a program to calculate the distances between the C-alpha atoms of the amino acid residues of interest. You would need to provide the three-dimensional coordinates of those C-alpha atoms as input. These are usually found in the PDB (NAMD)/GRO (GROMACS)/Dump (LAMMPS) file output of the simulation trajectory.
Most programs would not be able to read binary data, such as the DCD file of NAMD. Hence make sure your input file is in ASCII format i.e. readable using a text-editor.