09 September 2016 6 6K Report

Hi, this is probably a silly question but I can't figure it out. 

My understanding is that hierachical regression can be used to control for variables known to predict the DV by entering them in the first step. e.g. 

Step 1: age, gender (control for these)

Step 2: variables you want to see can predict DV after controlling for step 1 vars

My question is whether the variables you want to control for MUST be in step 1, and the variables you want to test after controlling for other variables must be entered in later steps, or does order within a step make a difference? i.e. variable entered last in a step is controlled for variables entered earlier in the step? e.g. 

Step 1: age, gender, income

is prediction of income after controlling for age/gender? or does income have to be entered at step 2?

any help will be much appreciated!

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