I'm trying to couple electrical circuit physics with frequency domain em wave.
In my simulation a wave of some frequency propagates through a split ring meta atom.
I have set lumped ports in the split gap of my split ring, and am attempting to connect a circuit element in my split gap to my split ring (eventually attempt to mimic a varactor diode but for now just a diode +resistor combination will do).
Whenever I run this, I get:
Failed to find a solution.
Maximum number of Newton iterations reached.
Returned solution is not converged.
Even if I change the iterations to 100/200 etc and even if I increase my relative tolerance.
I have tried a fine mesh and it takes a very long time and still has the same issue.
Any suggestions for helping the simulation converge?
Or even tips for linking circuit elements to 3d models in comsol as I'm new to the whole coupling physics functionality.