I'm attempting to simulate a wave propagating through a metamaterial, with the added difficulty of an circuit component attached to the meta atom. The first part, wave propagation through the standard metaatom is fine, ports either side of the structure and measure s parameters from a frequency domain sweep.
The aspect I'm struggling with, is how do I attach a lumped element/couple circuit physics to my model? I want to see the effect a capacitor and a resistor in series would have on the linear properties of the meta atom.
How can I measure the net effect of the metaatom-capacitor/resistor system on the s parameters? Why is the voltage across the lumped element I try to insert so low? (Around 10^ -20 volts)
So far I've tried using lumped elements and lumped ports at the split gap of my split ring resonator, and normal ports either side of the structure to dictate the wave that I am propagating.
Any suggestions or advice would be hugely appreciated,
Thank you!