In case of developing countries like India, Indonesia, Brazil, etc. a lot of agricultural residue is burnt. Biomass management/ utilization is vital and yet missing from the big discussion on moving towards cleaner energy and cutting down on carbon emissions.

In case of India, there is lack of regulation and incentive for the farmer to use the biomass residue for any alternate non-monetary applications or densify and take it for co-combustion to thermal power plants. In order to prepare the land for next cropping cycle, the quickest way to get rid of the residue is to burn all that remains in the soil after harvest.

In such a scenario, wouldn't it more prudent to create small scale/ decentralized treatment facilities for biomass? Bio-oil, syngas or HTL condensate could be generated at the site closest to biomass source and transported to a central facility for power or chemical separation. The choice of technology can be made based on characteristics of the feed.

Are the barriers to such a model technical or economical?

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