I have two models with the same binary dependent variable but different independent variables. I haven't used all IV in one model because:

a) for the second set of IVs there are missing data for half the dataset, while for the first set of IVs I have data for the complete dataset

b) The IV in both models can be grouped logically as a set of variable measuring verbal and non-verbal communication. As such using two separate models based on each category of IVs makes sense.

My question is, how do I combine the probabilities for each case based on each of the two models? One solution that I came up with is to get the mean between the two probabilities obtained. So, if one model gives .5 for positive and the second give .8 for positive, then the mean is .65. A more sophisticated approach would be to use Bayes theorem to combine classifiers.

I found this article: http://www.mpia-hd.mpg.de/Gaia/publications/probcomb_TN.pdf

and in equation 8 it shows that this is possible. I have two questions:

a) what is a and what value should it take? How do I determine this?

b) Based on my numbers for P(C) = 0.5 (the occurence of a positive dependent variable and P(C|D1)= .5 and P(C|D2) = .8 then according to Bayes theorem with taking account the a, I would get a P(C|D1,D2) = .8. Does this make sense?

I am far from an expert on this so if you have any other ideas that may be effective and apply to my problem please do share.

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