Hi everyone,
I want to test for differences between two independent samples using bayesian hypothesis testing.(the equivalent test here would be a Mann-Whitney U test). Since i am no statistician and my knowledge of R is limited i thought it would be better to ask here.
1. Does anyone has made a code that can do that. Basically that give you posterior distributions for delta effect size, d0, d0(all h1 hypotheses versus h0 d=0)?
2. I managed to find two papers on this. The first samples from the result of Mann-Whitney U and provides equations for the Bayes Factor. I already made a code that can replicate the results in the paper, although don't know how to build a plot for tau. Basically you use these two equations.
BF01 = abs(statistic)*exp((1-(statistic)^2)/2)
PH0x = (1+(1/abs(statistic))*exp((((statistic)^2)-1)/2))^-1
3) The second paper that i found uses Polya trees to sample from the original data. It has the algorithms but i am no expert at this. Would anyone be willing to try and code this with me and we can share it here with everyone?