Fermented beverages are very important drinks for some community as they consume daily with huge quantity, are traditionally believed as pharmacological and medicinal property along with generating instant energy. This is the project to identify the major metabolites (compounds, chemicals) accurately or tentatively by using MS/MS fragmentation (+/- Ionization mode) data, using database with multivariate analysis (a bio-informatic approach to manage and arrange a large database). The methodology has been developed, and MS/MS fragmentation has been done already. But due to unavailability of access of database and important bio-informatic tools needs for multivariate analysis, the project is not complete. If any experience personal, who have access such data bank and bioinformatic tool for untargeted metabolomics approach, please contact through the mail [email protected].

I am a Ph.D Student, stacked here since last year due to the above mentioned reason, and I am very dedicated to complete these project in mentioned approach. I will be very grateful if I can complete this project with collaboration with such experience personal.

Thank you

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