After sharing that article, I received an email saying

"I have read the abstract. But can not see the connections between the individual topics. They are completely different areas that can not be easily related to each other. e.g. the electromagnetic wave to the Wick rotation or Möbius band."

I admit that I struggled with the connections between topics myself, and I wasn't satisfied with my posting. I'd decided to dispense with a classical approach and tackle these topics from the point of view that everything is connected to everything else (what may be called a Theory of Everything or Quantum Gravity or Unified Field approach). I'm convinced the connections are there, and wrote the following in my notepad before getting out of bed this morning (I dreamed about the Riemann hypothesis last night). It clarified things for me and I hope it will help the other ResearchGaters I'm sharing with.

The Riemann hypothesis, proposed in 1859 by the German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, is fascinating. It seems to fit these ideas on various subjects in physics very well. The Riemann hypothesis doesn’t just apply to the distribution of prime numbers but can also apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time (addressed in the article with the Mobius strip, figure-8 Klein bottle, Wick rotation, and vector-tensor-scalar geometry). In mapping the distribution of prime numbers, the Riemann hypothesis is concerned with the locations of “nontrivial zeros” on the “critical line”, and says these zeros must lie on the vertical line of the complex number plane i.e. on the y-axis in the attached figure of Wick Rotation. Besides having a real part, zeros in the critical line (the y-axis) have an imaginary part. This is reflected in the real +1 and -1 of the x-axis in the attached figure, as well as by the imaginary +i and -i of the y-axis. In the upper half-plane of the attached figure, a quarter rotation plus a quarter rotation equals a half – both quadrants begin with positive values and ¼ + ¼ = ½. (The Riemann hypothesis states that the real part of every nontrivial zero must be 1/2.) While in the lower half-plane, both quadrants begin with negative numbers and a quarter rotation plus a negative quarter rotation equals zero: 1/4 + (-1/4) = 0. In the Riemann zeta function, there may be infinitely many zeros on the critical line. This suggests the y-axis is literally infinite. To truly be infinite, the gravitational and electromagnetic waves it represents cannot be restricted to the up-down direction but must include all directions. That means it would include the horizontal direction and interact with the x-axis – with the waves rotating to produce ordinary mass (and wave-particle duality) in the x-axis’ space-time, and (acting as dark energy) to produce dark matter in the y-axis’ imaginary space-time.

The Riemann hypothesis can apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time, and VTS geometry unites the fermions composing the Sun and planets with bosons filling space-time. Thus, the hypothesis also applies to the bodies of the Sun and Mercury themselves. Its link to Wick Rotation means Mercury’s orbit rotates (the Riemann hypothesis is the cause of precession, which doesn’t only exist close to the Sun but throughout astronomical space-time as well as the quantum scale). The link between the half-planes of the hypothesis and the half-periods of Alternating Current’s sine wave suggests the Sun is composed, in part, of AC waves.

Vector-Tensor-Scalar (VTS) Geometry suggests matter is built up layer by layer from the 1 divided by 2 interaction described in the article. The Sun and stars are a special case of VTS geometry in which stellar bodies are built up layer by layer with AC waves in addition to matter such as hydrogen and helium etc. If the Sun only used 1 / 2 (without the AC interaction), it’d be powered by high temperatures and pressures compressing its particles by nuclear fusion. When powered by AC waves, the half-periods entangle to produce phonons which manifest as vibrations apparent in its rising and falling convection cells of, respectively, hot and cooler plasma.

Summation of AC’s sine waves leads to the Sun’s vibratory waves, emission of photons (and to a small extent, of gravitons whose push contributes to planetary orbits increasing in diameter). Because of the connection to Wick rotation, the convective rising and falling in the Sun correlates with time dilation’s rising and falling photons and gravitons. As explained in the article, this slows time near the speed of light and near intense gravitation because the particles interfere with each other. Thus, even if it's never refreshed/reloaded by future Information Technology, our solar system's star will exist far longer than currently predicted.

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