I am new to cyclic data analysis, and some collaborators suggested the use of JTK to test for rhythmicity in data.

I have metabolite quantities in mice feces across 20h (sampled every 4h), and I want to know which are cycling and which do not. I chose to test this with the MetaCycle package in R, because the metad3d function, which takes individuals data and integrate them in a global test, seemed better than looking at means across individuals. I tried running it with JTK and ARS, but I get opposite results: with JTK nothing reaches significance (and it's really far, most p-values are above 0.8), and in ARS pretty much everything is significant (and most p-values are below 0.01). I know that different statistics are bound to yield different results, but they should still be pointing in the same direction.

Does anybody has an idea why I get such opposite results ?

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