Children face great dangers resulting from the bad use of the Internet through direct work on the network without awareness or guidance from parents, where the impact of exposure to subjects and materials unsuitable for his age on his mental and cognitive development and his behavior with others
Children and adults suffer from mobile phone addiction, playing games, chatting with friends, listening to music, and watching videos for a long time. Therefore, these times are cut off from the practice of normal daily habits of movement and real communication with people, which prevents them from isolation and lack of communication effectively with the environment surrounding them.
It depends what you mean by "cellphone craze" for some they are a tool to aid research, communicate and access on-line material whih can reduce isolation if they are shy and socially awkward. For others depending on their personality and environmental factors it may become an addiction which prevents socialisation and real World interactions and lead them to access harmful content. There have been Japanese studies which highlighted a cohort of young people who become completely isolated even within their own homes. So cellphone use may exagerrate already exisiting personality chracteristics which may appear to be loss of an identity, or during particular development al phases such as adolescence obviously personality changes will occur anyway.