if you have soil moisture storage at depth (10cm), precipitation, infiltration and runoff value. you can calculate evapotranspiration for catchment?

do you agree with this procedure.

or this procedure is wrong?!!!


1.     Infiltration rate during rainfall event expressed by runoff subtraction from rainfall event according to (Butterworth et al, 1999).

If= P-R .......... (1)

2.     The mass balance for infiltration may be expressed by the change in storage over a given period of time, where ∆SMsat-pre equals the difference between the inflow rate infiltration If in (∆t), and outflow rate infiltration, If out (∆t) by TRENT UNIVERSITY STAFF, so  If out (∆t) expressed in follow equation:

If out (∆t) = If in (∆t) - ∆SMsat-pre …………. (2)


If out (∆t) = outflow rate infiltration (mm/day)

If in (∆t) = inflow rate infiltration (mm/day)

∆SMpre-sat = difference between soil moisture content pre rainfall event and during rainfall event at saturation condition (mm).

3-The hydrologic processes in both catchments model include infiltration, runoff, soil evaporation, plant transpiration, and deep drainage. From the previous steps, the outflow infiltration considered as a deep percolation, so we can calculate soil catchment evaporation during 24 hr by root zone water balance equation (Lu Zhang et al., 2002):

Epan = (P + θSMpre.) – (Dp + Q + θSMaft.24hr) ………. (3)


Epan = Soil catchment evaporation (mm/hr).

P = rainfall event (mm/hr).

θSMpre. = Soil moisture content before rainfall event (mm/hr).

Dp = Deep percolation   (mm/hr).

Q = runoff event (mm/hr).

θSMaft.24hr. = Soil moisture content after 24 hr from rainfall event (mm/hr).

4.     Allen et al. (1998) equation used to calculated daily potential evapotranspiration used daily reference soil evaporation corrected by pan coefficient factor (0.65 – 0.70) related to region, as follow:

ETo = Kpan × Epan ……………. (4)


ETo = reference evapotranspiration (mm/day).

Kpan = pan coefficient factor (0.65 – 0.70).

Epan = pan evaporation (mm/day).


after them by water balance equation we calculate ground water recharge ?!

  (P) = (Q + ET ± ∆GW ± ∆SM) .


P = Precipitation rate in (mm).

Q = Stream flow (mm/sec).

ET = Evapotranspiration rate (mm).

∆GW = Ground water storage changes in (mm).

∆SM = Change in soil moisture content (mm).

Sarbast I. Abdi


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