I think these papers (and their references) can be helpful.
• Garbulsky, M. F., Peñuelas, J., Papale, D., & Filella, I. (2008). Remote estimation of carbon dioxide uptake by a Mediterranean forest. Global Change Biology, 14(12), 2860-2867.
• Allard, V., Ourcival, J. M., Rambal, S., Joffre, R., & Rocheteau, A. (2008). Seasonal and annual variation of carbon exchange in an evergreen Mediterranean forest in southern France. Global Change Biology, 14(4), 714-725.
• Bernal, B., Murray, L. T., & Pearson, T. R. (2018). Global carbon dioxide removal rates from forest landscape restoration activities. Carbon balance and management, 13(1), 1-13.
• Phillips, C. L., Wang, R., Mattox, C., Trammell, T. L., Young, J., & Kowalewski, A. (2023). High soil carbon sequestration rates persist several decades in turfgrass systems: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 858, 159974.
I think the CDM(Clean Development Mechanism) Tool is the basic/standard methodology for assessing carbon stock of forests (including mangroves, etc) and estimating GHG removal in the AFOLU sector. For alternatives, VERRA/Gold Standard has their methodology too. And usually each country has preference in which method to adopt.