28 October 2021 2 8K Report

Hi to all,

We successfully created in our lab a new RT-PCR system, designed for amplification of the S1 segment of Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Yet, we obtained the end point PCR product only by using RNA from enriched allantois fluid, derived by inoculating SPF embryonated eggs. What is the best one-step RT-PCR kit/enzyme that we can use to enhance the segment using RNA directly extracted from tracheal/cloacal swabs? according to what I read, the SuperScript™ III One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase is the best option, due to the increased sensitivity and the broad temperature range of the cDNA synthesis (We currently use the Verso one-step RT-PCR kit).

Will appreciate any insight,


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