The "PostDoc" stage in an academic career development is often critically discussed (cf. links below). This is increasingly the case as the number of Post-Doc positions increases (cf. link). PostDoc researchers are assumed to be an important human resource in the science system. Although still in a phase of gaining more expertise in a specific area, many are working intensively in research projects and publish results in perr-reviewed journals.

Can you hint me to any study or analysis that tries to quantify the research output of an average PostDoc - say in comparison to a PhD-student or to a senior scientist, so that it can be stated with support of a quantification how important PostDocs are?

I am of course aware that this depends on many determinants, not least the discipline or country background and many more - nonetheless, I'd appreciated your hint on any study that you think might be relevant.

Thank you for your suggestions and opinions on the topic.

Kind regards, Stephan

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