The EC-funded project INSPIRATION – – is to formulate an end-user driven Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for land-use, soil management and spatial planning and the related, impacted compartments of the Soil-Sediment-Water (SSW) system in order to meet current and future societal challenges.

In a series of bottom-up stakeholder engagement activities across EU nations the project gathers Research and Innovation (R&I) needs related to the INSPIRATION scope (land and SSW-system use and management), including topics such as:  

  • What are the strategic research topics? 
  • What are experiences regarding connecting science to policy/practice?
  • What are national and transnational funding schemes to implement such Research?  
  • To complement these activities, I would appreciate your view and contribution! What is your view on the research and innovation needs and opportunities? Do you have a vision on, and what is your insight in upcoming knowledge demands (short, middle and long-term)?  

    Collecting input from you is crucial for the project in order to help us describing the state-of-the-art as input into the European research agenda.  

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