Whow, this is something I expected to get into the Pärnu Bay area but last year it was not there. I guess this is very likely P. longirostris. I'd appreciate if you bring this individual to me for further inspection.
Yes, this action is already planned, I'll try to observe many similar habitats in the Pärnu Bay area and likewise in other coastal areas of the Gulf of Riga. And if you go somewhere, try to look around for this novel species. Moreover, this is not completely unlikely to find the species in the Gulf of Finland. Many invasive speciess have arrived to both gulfs almost at the same time. Today, i also looked at the palaemon specimen but I am not yet completely sure of its identity (need to look at the individual at higher magnificaton). But it is possible that the species is in fact P. macrodactylus but I could not see two rows of setae along the inferior margin of rostrum (instead there was just one row but perhaps this is just my eyes).
By the way, when alive Palaemon macrodactylus is easily spotted for it has a wide median longitudinal stripe along its dorsal margin. This is at least absent in P. longirostris and P. varians and probably some more.
I investigated the individual only after fixing it with methanol. Is there any other species it could be? Is it even possible that it is something else than present in Ortegon et Cuesta (2006)?