The most important characteristics of the Literature Review are: It is essential that the researcher is interested in collecting information from various sources in a manner that serves the objectives of the study or research. It is important to mention all references that the researcher cited, selectivity and selection of the appropriate information, , Critical thinking and balance in the brainstorming of other researchers and linking them to the subject of the research you write, and finally it is important that the researcher analyze and try to link different views and propose new ideas or new theories in the same field.
If you want to write the review, first of all you must have good knowldge and experience in that perticular field. Then you collect the extensive references.make the out line and start writing.
Based on your problem, start with what are presented / comparison (to your hypothesis or work flow) and what are the things they have followed (comprehensively ) parallel to how you want to take your research .
The most important characteristics of the Literature Review are: It is essential that the researcher is interested in collecting information from various sources in a manner that serves the objectives of the study or research. It is important to mention all references that the researcher cited, selectivity and selection of the appropriate information, , Critical thinking and balance in the brainstorming of other researchers and linking them to the subject of the research you write, and finally it is important that the researcher analyze and try to link different views and propose new ideas or new theories in the same field.
While working for literaure review, definitely first thing is formulate a hypothesis , clearly write inclusion and exclusion critera and collect relevan t literaure, then try to select pertinent arrticle with key word will markedly reduce number to be include, then try to categorize study into based on level off evidence, level 1, ii or iii. then accoerdingly weightage may be granted and look for