I know if intensity of 2D peak to G peak is 2-3 then we have single graphene layer. Can we use other ratios for this aim? For example in one sample, I2D/IG=0.5.
I read many articles but they didn't use ratio of I2D/IG to find the number of layers.
This paper may help you to elucidate more about this peak behavior at thickness depedence ttp://scitation.aip.org.libaccess.lib.mcmaster.ca/content/aip/journal/apl/92/4/10.1063/1.2838745.
So, inside the paper in FIG 1 they show a experimental plot of G peak at different layers.
This has bell-like behave so indeed you could find that a G peak intensity that could correspond to 2-layer and 100-layer.
A novelty method in which the layer number dependent of a double resonant Raman mode, was reported in the case up to eight layers. The Authors used the so-called N mode, which is a combination of a Stokes-scattered LO phonon and an anti-Stokes scattered ZO_ phonon. The Autors carried out first principles calculations based on DFT algorithms that are in good agreement with the experimental results (please see PHYSICAL REVIEW B 85, 235447 (2012)). On the other hand, if you consider that the I2D/IG ratio can be related with the number of grapheme layer, I would suggest computational calculations that you can use as a theoretical refference.